Qigong lessons

As a qualified Qigong instructor, Katerina can help you with growing your QiGong practice, by assisting with the following:

  • Foundations of Qigong – principles of body transformation for the Internal Arts, Wuji posture, Ji Ben Qigong set of 8 essential movements.
  • Dan Tian development – theory of building the internal engine, and supporting exercises
  • Breath – various breathing techniques for health and work with Qi
  • Qigong for health – sets of traditional Qigong exercises designed to boost function of organ systems in the body, and direct the body towards harmony, and therefore health
  • Help and guidance with the foundational material taught in the Internal Arts Academy
My aim is to make these arts accessible to people of any age and ability, from any culture – by providing clear instructions in simple English (or Russian) language, avoiding loose or vague terms prevalent in the modern ‘spiritual’ scene, providing direction and tangeable aims for each person’s individual internal practice.

For more information, including fees, please get in touch via the Contact form, or by emailing tianshucm (at) gmail (dot) com