Chinese Medicine

Qigong practice and Chinese Medicie both have root in the ancient meditative and tantric tradition, and both seek to restore to balance and enhance body’s energy reserves and health.

Trying to define what “Qi” in Qigong is a complicated matter, because the origin of the word is in the culture that has a completely different way of seeing the world – ancient Chinese language is more concerned with describing HOW something works, rather than WHAT something is – and this is a major difference from the Western mindest and way of understanding things.

In our case it is sufficient to say that that by Qi we can describe the bio-electric and bio-magnetic functions in the body that govern the activity of organs, various functions such as warming, immunity, digestion, reproduction etc. The meridians and acupunture points are the places where these functions can be influenced, removing blockages, stimulating activity, purging pathogens, regulating the body in many ways. These points can be stimulated by pressure (with some effectiveness) or needles (much higher effectiveness).

The fascinating thing is that the higher the level of energetic cultivation is in the medical practitioner, the more effective is the treatment, reaching deep beyond the stimulation of nerves and sinews, into the energetic makeup of the body itself. Katerina’s passion for the study of Qigong supports her strength as a Chinese Medicine practitioner.


Katerina joined the Lotus Nei Gong International school of internal arts in 2017, beginning the indepth study of body, mind and energy aspects of Neigong, the all-encompassing Daoist energetic and meditative art. In 2019 Katerina gained Qigong Instructor qualification, and since then has been studying closely with Damo Mitchell, the head of the Lotus Nei Gong and master of internal arts and meditation. As well as continuing to go deep into her own practice, Katerina is teaching Neigong and Taichi at Lotus Nei Gong international events, for large and small numbers of people, and occasionally offers private consultations in person, or via Zoom or Skype.

In her spare time, Katerina translates the teachings of Damo Mitchell to Russian. You can find the free video lessons and the podcast here

The Qigong Foundation program is available for purchase in Russian.